Wheal-Grace Corporation is pleased to announce that it is now certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®.) FSC is an independent, international, not-for-profit organization that includes environmental, social and corporate partners. FSC is the gold-standard and the most respected certification of socially responsible forest management practices. To qualify for FSC certification a printer must be certified by an independent auditor to participate in the chain-of-custody process that involves the paper manufacturer, merchant and printer. The goal of the program is to eliminate water pollution, habitat destruction and displacement of indigenous peoples. The process begins with an FSC certified printer purchasing FSC certified paper through an FSC certified merchant. The FSC logo can be displayed on your printed project and is only available through FSC certified printers like Wheal-Grace Corporation. The logo shows the world that your project was printed on paper that came from a well managed forest with a pedigree that can track its chain-of custody from harvesting, to pulp to paper to printed piece.
Wheal-Grace has been at the forefront of the environmental movement since the introduction of their Green Print program in the late 1980s (see www.greenprint.com.)
To learn more about Wheal-Grace and how to protect the environment contact us at info@wheal-grace.com.